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Raymond Burley

Friday, May 27, 2011



4 Parts Guitar

Colston Street Bristol BS1 5AR

phone: 0117 922 3686


4 Parts Guitar
4 Parts Guitar are Raymond Burley, John Etheridge, Gordon Giltrap and Clive Carroll.

For those who would like to know more have a look at their various websites.

The people of Bristol have been enjoying music at Colston Hall for almost 140 years. Now as Colston Hall moves into the 21st century, plans for new facilities are taking shape and we're busy increasing the variety of music that comes to the hall, appealing, we hope, to a much broader range of people. Our aim is to become a world-class centre for music and music making, showcasing the best music from the UK and around the world, whilst also developing emerging talent from Bristol and the South West.

Please check availability of tickets and confirm date / start times with the organiser before setting out, as sometimes changes are unavoidable - thank you.

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