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Raymond Burley

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Dorchester, Dorset

Raymond Burley, John Mills and Cobie Smit

School Lane, The Grove Dorchester, Dorset DT1 1XR

phone: 01305 266926

Purchase tickets online: Click here to purchase tickets

Website: Dorchester Arts Centre

For the past 30 years, Dorchester Arts has engaged tens of thousands of people in a wide variety of arts events – from huge outdoor events to small-scale children’s theatre.

On our website you can discover what’s on in our performance programme and book tickets online, find out where we are and how to contact us, read about our community activities, find out how to become a member or volunteer…in fact just about everything about us is on these pages…

The nearest parking is at Top O’ Town car park, about two minutes’ walk away, or there are other car parks in town. Unfortunately there is no parking available on site.

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