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Raymond Burley

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Dimitris Fampas International Guitar Competition

Picture courtsey of httpwwwevafampasgrfampasenhtml
Raymond Burley will be a member of the jury of the Dimitris Fampas International Guitar Competition in April 2016 in Athens.

Guitar Friends Association “Dimitris Fampas” gladly announces the organization of the 1st International Guitar Competition Dimitris Fampas in Athens during 2016 to honor the memory of this great guitarist, composer and professor. This competition will be organized every three years and it is open to all guitarists from around the world who will be under 30 years old on the day of the finals on April 2016.

The competition will be in two Rounds. The Preliminary round will be an Online one and the Finals will take place in Athens on April as a part of the FAMPAS GUITAR SYMPOSIUM which will be co-organized with the ATHENS Municipality Culture, Sports and Youth Organization

World famous guitarists, professors, festivals’ artistic directors, journalists and music critics will be on the jury of the competition.


Eligible contestants must be under 30 years of age at the time of the Finals and must have access to the internet. In order to participate the contestants have to send by email ( between November 10th 2015 andJanuary 10th 2016:

1) a copy/scan of their license, ID or passport , 2) a short curriculum vitae, 3) a payment receipt from the Bank (the account details will be provided shortly) for the participation fee which is 50€ and part of IT will go for the support of the City of Athens Homeless Shelter (KYADA) 4) the URL link of their Youtube video where they perform the required repertoire.


  • A piece by Dimitris Fampas*
  • One movement from a Sonata / Sonatina by a contemporary composer (20th & 21st century)
  • Two parts from a Suite by J. S. Bach

For the online round the contestants have to upload a video of themselves to YouTube performing the above repertoire. At the beginning of the recording, they must clearly announce a) their name, b) each piece they are going to perform and c) that it is for the DIMITRIS FAMPAS International Guitar Competition 2016. These details will be the video title, as well.

NOTICE: The video recording should be taken in one take, should not be edited at all as well as has to be of a high quality to allow the judges to make their decision. The contestant must be visible at all times to ensure that the video and performance is authentic. Any videos deemed to be dubbed or false will not be accepted

The organizers of the competition will forward the video – performing of all participants to the judges all over the world as well as they will promote these participations to a large audience through the web. The results of the Preliminary Round will be announced during the first days of February 2016. 5 or 6 players will be chosen to take part in the Finals.

THE FINALS - Repertoire

  • A piece by Dimitris Fampas*
  • A piece by a Greek composer (Dimitris Fampas also accepted here as well) **
  • Free program up to 20’ maximum duration


The financial problems in Greece do not allow us to offer a large amount of money, so we will give symbolic money awards to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd winner as well as lots of gifts, concerts etc. Special prize for the 1st winner will be awarded: A PERFORMANCE with ATHENS MUNICIPALITY SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA . Full list of the prizes will be announced soon.

The website of the DIMITRIS FAMPAS GUITAR COMPETITION will be ready soon with all the details needed for the participants including the names of the judges for the Preliminary round.

For more information please contact Pr. Eva Fampas at

* For DIMITRIS FAMPAS’ music we propose to the participants to choose from the following editions: ANTHOLOGY of DIMITRIS FAMPAS guitar music (edition MEL BAY), DIMITRIS FAMPAS’ music for guitar volume 2 and volume 3 (edition PAPAGRIGORIOU – NAKAS –, Danza Greca n. 1Karaguna (Editions RICORDI), Danse grecque: Sousta, Vision, Prelude Modern, Conte (editions Max Eschig), BOLERO (Editions COLUMBIA music CO)

** For Greek Composers’ music we propose the following: the GREEK GUITAR MUSIC anthology (Edition Les Productions D’oZ - ) and editions of Greek composers for guitar (like K.Tzortzinakis, K.Hatzopoulos, K.Grigoreas, N.Mamagakis and more) from the Editors PAPAGRIGORIOU - NAKAS (

updated: 9 years ago